Friday 3 March 2023

Healthy food and its Importance (Guest Lecture) - for children




}Carbohydrates – for Energy e.g. Rice, chapati,  bhakari, Cereals
}Fats – Fatty food (get energy in the form of heat) e.g. Oil, ghee, butter
}Proteins- for growth, repairing tear of body. E.g. sprouts, milk, meat, eggs
}Fibers – help in digestion of food, increase size & weight of stool, soften stool
 e.g. legumes, grains, vegetables
}Vitamins & Minerals- helps to fight infection, wound healing, strong bones, growth. E.g. vegetables, fruits

Minerals - Functions

}Iron – carrying oxygen – e.g. meat, spinach, apples
}Calcium, Phosphorous- makes bones & teeth strong-e.g. Milk, Meat, green leafy vegetables
}Iodine- controls growth, speed up chemical reactions.- e.g. fish, beans, sea foods 
}Sodium & Potassium – Maintain water balance, Functioning of nervous system & muscles- salt, cheese, leafy vegetables, fruits, pulses
vFruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals
vTo enjoy a variety of flavours and textures
vLots and lots of fibers
vThey're low-calorie and low-fat
vProtect against cancer and other diseases
vFruits and vegetables help you maintain good health
v Calcium
v Vitamin A & D
v Increased vitamin intake
v Healthy & strong bones
v Healthy Teeth
v Healthy skin
v Reduces stress
v Increased immunity
v Muscle power
v Growth 
  Balanced diet
 Dry fruits 


Healthy for - Bones, Teeth, skin, Muscles, Nerves


 Junk food side effects 

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